Saturday, 29 November 2014

Trip to Westfalia - Tzaneen

Interesting trip to Westfalia, land of the avo's! I was amazed at the beauty of this place, whilst driving to Westfalia I was in awe of the richness of the land. Magnificent green hills that seems to go on forever.

My task was to take the group through the concept of client centricity and the  importance of understanding the needs of your customers.

Engaging group that have multiple customers making the task and discussions challenging but fruitful.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in this place of hidden beauty and splendor!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Launch of Clover MDP

The launch of the Clover MDP was absolutely fabulous! I am so impressed by the willingness to learn from both this group and the organisation. It is clear as to why they are the leaders in their industry.

Group have impressed me by their continued discipline throughout the first study block.

Looking forward to journeying with this group through the programme!