Sunday, 12 April 2015

Wagner Consulting - reaches the two year mark

Wagner Consulting - reaches the two year mark.........

Incredible to believe that I achieved the two year mark as small business owner.  It feels like just yesterday that I was working for a large corporate.  I am so blessed to be given so many opportunities and to be able to engage with people from so many different organisations and industries.  Each day brings new challenges and learnings, which I have learnt to embrace.  Its definitely not an easy journey but a very rewarding one.  As the sole individual in my business I am responsible for all aspects of the business, even the technology ones and it is times like that when I miss being able to log a call and have someone come to my rescue.  However I have an wonderful group of friends and associates who I am able to tap into to get help.

The last month was a month that was endured with a consistent challenges with email and website issues, which I turned into an opportunity to upgrade and update. Initially I told myself that starting my own business will give me more time with my girls and to get balance.  However it wasn't about time, it was about how you view time - a friend told me to amortise my time.  Wow how that has changed my view on balance, see your time in a year not in one day, week or month.

Its not only large organisations that experience politics, guess what the church probably can write a book on office politics.  The lessons I have learnt have been invaluable, I could probably spend the rest of the day writing about them, however the one that I believe has been most important is learning that I can be successful running my own business and believing that I add value in so many different ways.  

I am so looking forward to the next two and the two after that..........

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